TRANSLATION CAFÉ 2008, Nr. 23/January 15, 2008, Anny Ballardini, Translations from: Anny Ballardini – Someone else by Yvonne Florentina Penciu – Altcineva

Publicat deIoana Ioana

Anny Ballardini – Someone else

I woke up this morning
and they had stolen my car
my house my bed my eyes
my mind my family my fate
my job my friends

left there on the scorching ground

I went downtown and got a plastic heart
a couple of colored marbles for my eyes
green rubber gloves for hands a bouquet
of narcissi for my hair – red and blue
crisscrossed ribbons to let them know I
was the queen & gathered my army shining
in the foggy stench of the melting highway

this till the end of the day

without a bed I went to sleep
& on the following morning
I was someone else.    
Yvonne Florentina Penciu – Altcineva

cand m-am trezit de dimineata
masina mea
adapostul meu culcusul meu ochii mei
judecata mea familia mea soarta mea
slujba mea prietenii mei
nu mai erau pentru mine ci pentru altcineva

lasata sa ma mistui pe pamantul ce imi perpelea talpile

am mers spre Apus si mi-am luat o inima de plastic
ochilor le-am luat doua bile colorate
mainilor manusi verzi de cauciuc iar parului
un buchet cu narcise- panglici impletite
rosii si albastre ca sa le arat ca eu
eram regina si mi-am strans ostirea licarinda
in duhoarea pacloasa a soselei topindu-se

inainte sa se astearna noaptea

n-aveam pat dar m-am culcat
si cand m-am trezit
eram altcineva

S-ar putea sa iti placa…