Antonio Machado: Poesías

Antonio Machado: Poesías

HE ANDADO MUCHOS CAMINOS He andado muchos caminos,he abierto muchas veredas;he navegado en cien maresy atracado en cien riberas.En todas partes he vistocaravanas de tristeza,soberbios y melancólicosborrachos de sombra negra,y pedantones al pañoque miran, callan, y...
Corina Crisu | Rewriting | Polytropic Identities in the Postmodern African American Novel | Works Cited

Corina Crisu | Rewriting | Polytropic Identities in the Postmodern African American Novel | Chapter VIII | “Speak up, Ike, an ‘Spress Yo’se‘f” | Sentimental Romance Revisited in Ntozake Shange’s “Betsey Brown”

Our humanity has been so little explored and so little made available to us through art that sometimes we doubt it ourselves and live one-dimensional lives because that’s all we imagine can be possible. Literature, if it does nothing else, should stimulate one’s...
Corina Crisu | Rewriting | Polytropic Identities in the Postmodern African American Novel | Works Cited

Corina Crisu | Rewriting | Polytropic Identities in the Postmodern African American Novel | Chapter VII | “Tell Nannan I Walked” Reconstructing Manhood in Ernest J. Gaines’ A Lesson Before Dying

If we must die, let it not be like hogs Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot (McKay 1997, 984)). The major conflict in my work is when the black male attempts to go beyond the line that is drawn for him. But you’ve also got conflict between young and old, between...