TRANSLATION CAFÉ 2008, Nr. 22/January 1, 2008, D. H. Lawrence, Translations from: D. H. Lawrence – Bavarian Gentians by Alina Mocanu – Gentiene de Bavaria

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D. H. Lawrence – Bavarian Gentians

Not every man has gentians in his house
in soft September, at slow, sad Michaelmas.

Bavarian gentians, big and dark, only dark
darkening the daytime, torch-like, with the smoking blueness of Pluto’s gloom,
ribbed and torch-like, with their blaze of darkness spread blue
down flattening into points, flattened under the sweep of white day
torch-flower of the blue-smoking darkness, Pluto’s dark-blue daze,
black lamps from the halls of Dis, burning dark blue,
giving off darkness, blue darkness, as Demeter’s pale lamps give off light,
lead me then, lead the way.

Reach me a gentian, give me a torch!
let me guide myself with the blue, forked torch of this flower
down the darker and darker stairs, where blue is darkened on blueness
even where Persephone goes, just now, from the frosted September
to the sightless realm where darkness is awake upon the dark
and Persephone herself is but a voice
or a darkness invisible enfolded in the deeper dark
of the arms Plutonic, and pierced with the passion of dense gloom,
among the splendor of torches of darkness, shedding darkness
on the lost bride and her groom.    
 Alina Mocanu – Gentiene de Bavaria

Nu orisicine are gentiene-n casa-n luna blanda a lui Brumar,
in ziua cea molateca si trista de Sfantul Mihail.

Gentiene de Bavaria, imense, intunecate,
inghitind lumina zilei, faclii fumegand albastru, albastrul mahnirii lui Pluton,
torte brazdate de nervuri cu a lor stralucire neagra – albastruie,
intinzandu-se in lumina zilei inundate de alb ;
floare – torta a intunecarii albastre – fumurii, asemeni uluirii lui Pluton,
negre felinare pe culoarele Infernului, cu flacara arzand albastru siniliu,
rasfrangand intunecare, intunecare albastra,
pe cand felinarele cenusii ale lui Demetrius lumina raspandesc.
calauziti-ma dara, aratati-mi calea.

Daruieste-mi o gentiana, o faclie,
busola sa-mi fie lumina albastra a acestei flori – torte cu frunze bifurcate
pe cand cobor treptele tot mai intunecate, unde
cu fiecare pas, albastrul se intuneca tot mai mult,
pe drumul Persefonei, acum, in racorosul Septembre
catre taramul nestiut unde intunericul pe intuneric boteaza
si din Persefona insasi mai ramane doar un glas
sau intuneric fantomatic infasurat in mantia neagra
de pe umerii lui Pluton, strapuns de obscuritatea patimasa,
printre tortele intunecarii cu a lor splendoare,
varsand intuneric peste mireasa ratacita si-al ei mire.

S-ar putea sa iti placa…